A Simple OOP Game Tutorial #1
Before proceeding, if you have not read the previous post, please check that first, this post will wait for you. You will need the information and guide provided in the previous post for this one.
Done? Good! You may now resume your quest!
Source code is now available here
This post will not try to teach Lua coding or any programming logic. This is to focus primarily in OOP design and pattern.
If you want to learn basic programming and game development, let me know. I will make an in-depth guide about it for beginners if requested.
Why OOP first? Why not straightway go to ECS?
Most of you probably has already learned or has even a vague idea and understanding with the OOP paradigm as it is universally taught to beginners for reasons I dare not to mention for now, and without a single idea that it is possible to even program in a non-OOP way, in which case ECS would be a difficult topic to start with. My approach, be it unconventional, is to remind you dear readers the concept of OOP as clear as I possibly could by going back to the fundamentals and basics of OOP, and then applying such lessons in making a simple game.
And as you are reminded, we will go into details the limitations and problems that the OOP paradigm give us.
To be fair, I will not mention or make gesture regarding ECS like “Oh, ECS could easily do this and that”.
So what are we going to make?
I was thinking and looking around for a very simple and known game that could be done in a single post that will showcase the “benefits” of OOP that will also be fitting for an ECS approach. Pong
would in this case be too simple for our goal, so I have decided to make a not-too-simple yet with an interesting mechanic worthy of the time we will spend on it.
The game would be called Shape Clicker
, it has the following mechanics:
- Random primitive shapes will randomly spawn (circle, square, rectangle)
- Each have random color (red, green, blue)
- Each have random size
- Each will move randomly (like a floating asteroid)
- Each that will pass the screen border will be destroyed and will deduct on score
- Each is clickable:
- highlight the shape when clicked
- Player must click on two objects
- The two clicked objects will be destroyed (a goal) if:
- the two objects are of the same color (increase timer + 2)
- the two objects are of the same shape (increase timer + 4)
- the two objects are of the same shape and same color (increase timer + 8)
- Timer based game (game over if timer reaches 0)
- Score based (each goal met will increase the score)
- Play button to start the game
- Quit button to stop the game
First thing we need to do of course is to plan
, this phase is very important in OOP because we need to have a clear knowledge about the model or structure we are going to pursue. If there is a mistake in the plan, the implementation is affected as well.
So let us begin the planning by making a model or structure of the classes we need. How do we know what class
to make? Well, we need to know what objects
do we need to make following the mechanics of the game we discussed earlier.
- Red Rectangle shape
- Green Rectangle shape
- Blue Rectangle shape
- Red Square shape
- Green Square shape
- Blue Square shape
- Red Circle shape
- Green Circle shape
- Blue Circle shape
- Score UI
- Timer UI
- Play UI
- Quit UI
Next, we need to look into each of those and find what are common and of the same nature:
Here is the first abstraction:
- Red, Green, and Blue Rectangle Shape can be just
Rectangle Shape
- Red, Green, and Blue Square Shape can be just
Square Shape
- Red, Green, and Blue Circle Shape can be just
Circle Shape
- Score UI and Timer UI can be just
- Play UI and Quit UI can be just
After the first abstraction, we now have the following classes:
Classes (first abstraction):
- Rectangle shape
- Square shape
- Circle shape
- UI
If we are still going to look deeper, we can see that Rectangle shape
, Square shape
, and Circle shape
are all a subclass of shape
. So now the classes that we need are:
Classes (final):
- Shape
- UI
See? Planning trims down the things we need to do.
What else do we need as part of the plan? After determining the classes we need, we now need to determine the subclasses or the classes that will inherit from the base class.
Classes + Subclasses:
- Shape
- Rectangle
- Square
- Circle
- UI
- Text
- Button
I am confident that those are the only classes and subclasses that we need. Now let us next plan and determine the behaviors or properties of each class:
We need to determine what are the variables/properties that are most common to the class and to its subclass(es).
- Shape - position, color, velocity/speed, direction, is clicked
- Rectangle - width, height
- Square - size
- Circle - radius
- UI - position
- Text - text, color
- Button - text, size, on_click event
- Shape:
- on creation - setup random color, position, velocity, direction
- on click/mousepressed - show feedback
- on destroy - destroy and remove from the game
- moving/update - moving/floating around the screen
- check out of bounds - check if shape is out of screen bounds
- drawing - rendering the shape on screen
- UI:
- on click/mousepressed - do event when clicked
- drawing - rendering the ui on screen
Hey, we do not need those shape subclasses, we can just pass a size argument and let each instance handle the parameters and so on.
Yes, that is also possible, but again, we are doing this in the most basic approach as a beginner would think. There is nothing wrong with the method proposed but that will involve dealing with method overriding
which will add complexity. For advanced OOP, yeah sure go with that.
Square should be the same with Rectangle since the only difference is the size
Yes, that is true. Square is basically a Rectangle but with the same width and height or vice versa. Look further down because you will see this implemented.
Let us now start by creating the files we need and properly organizing them:
- create the following files in the
- create the following files in the
- create the following files in the
Let us now open and edit first the conf.lua
file using your preferred text editor: (do not forget that you are free to change values, you do not have to follow blindly)
function love.conf(t)
t.window.title = "Shape Clicker OOP"
t.window.width = 800
t.window.height = 640
Now run the game, you should see the game window with the title Shape Clicker OOP
and with dimensions of 800x640
, you can play around those values if you wish to.
Open now main.lua
function love.load()
love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(1, 1, 1, 0.8)
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
Run the game again and instead of seeing a black-filled window, you should see it filled with the white color with a little bit of transparency.
For now let us focus on the Shape
class and its subclasses.
Now open game_oop/classes/base/shape.lua
local Class = require("modules.classic")
local Shape = Class:extend()
local colors = {
{1, 0, 0}, --red
{0, 1, 0}, --green
{0, 0, 1}, --blue
local function generate_random_color()
local r = love.math.random(1, #colors)
local color = colors[r]
return {unpack(color)}
function Shape:new()
local w, h = love.graphics.getDimensions()
self.x = love.math.random(96, w - 96)
self.y = love.math.random(96, h - 96)
--thanks @slime!
self.direction = love.math.random() > 0.5 and 1 or -1
self.speed = love.math.random(64, 320)
self.color = generate_random_color()
self.is_clicked = false
function Shape:move(dt)
local dx = self.x + self.speed * self.direction * dt
local dy = self.y + self.speed * self.direction * dt
self.x = dx
self.y = dy
return Shape
Now open game_oop/classes/rectangle.lua
local Shape = require("classes.base.shape")
local Rectangle = Shape:extend()
function Rectangle:new(width, height)
self.width = width
self.height = height
function Rectangle:update(dt)
Rectangle.super.move(self, dt)
--check out of bounds
local oob_left = self.x + self.width < 0 --left edge
local oob_right = self.x > love.graphics.getWidth() --right edge
local oob_top = self.y + self.height < 0 --top edge
local oob_bottom = self.y > love.graphics.getHeight() --bottom edge
function Rectangle:mousepressed(mx, my, mb)
if not (mb == 1) then return end
local is_clicked = mx >= self.x and mx <= self.x + self.width and
my >= self.y and my <= self.y + self.height
if is_clicked then
self.is_clicked = true
function Rectangle:draw()
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)
return Rectangle
Now open game_oop/classes/square.lua
local Shape = require("classes.rectangle")
local Square = Shape:extend()
function Square:new(size)
Square.super.new(self, size, size)
function Square:update(dt)
Square.super.move(self, dt)
function Square:mousepressed(mx, my, mb)
Square.super.mousepressed(self, mx, my, mb)
function Square:draw()
return Square
See? we subclass from Rectangle
because logically, they can be implementd the same. Why we separate them? for the sake of mechanics and adding variations to the game.
Now open game_oop/classes/rectangle.lua
local Shape = require("classes.base.shape")
local Circle = Shape:extend()
function Circle:new(radius)
self.radius = radius
function Circle:update(dt)
Circle.super.move(self, dt)
--check out of bounds
local oob_left = self.x + self.radius < 0 --left edge
local oob_right = self.x > love.graphics.getWidth() --right edge
local oob_top = self.y + self.radius < 0 --top edge
local oob_bottom = self.y > love.graphics.getHeight() --bottom edge
function Circle:mousepressed(mx, my, mb)
if not (mb == 1) then return end
local dx = mx - self.x
local dy = my - self.y
local d = math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))
local is_clicked = d <= self.radius
if is_clicked then
self.is_clicked = true
function Circle:draw()
love.graphics.circle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.radius, self.radius)
return Circle
Points to Ponder:
- Each class/subclass has logic inside them
- There is a lot of abstraction going on
- Refactoring/Moving around functions/methods - for example, we realized that we can abstract some methods to the parent class, so we move the subclass’ method to the parent class and modify a lot of properties to make sure that the data needed stays within the proper scope
- An error or miscalculation during the planning phase will lead to changes that are more than the minimum needs.
- You have to track the inheritance chain - this could lead to something like:
- who is the parent class of this instance/object
- who is the parent parent class of this instance/object
- who has this property? The parent or the child?
- As you go down deeper the inheritance chain, the complexity increases
- You have to think in terms of objects and such instead of focusing on the data and processes
This is it for this week!
Next Week’s Post:
For the next post, we will continue to:
- improve the shape class by implementing the highlighting of shape when clicked
- implement the UI classes and subclasses
- possible start implementing game logic like timer, spawning of random shapes, etc.
Another thing is that we can clearly that there are even common logics happening between the Rectangle/Square
and Circle
classes like the checking for out of bounds
and the determining whether a point is inside the shape in mousepressed
, those can be abstracted to the base Shape
class if you want.
So for next week we will do that as well.
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